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SOE 11th CYL National Congress Held

    The SOE 11th Communist Youth League (CYL) National Congress was held at SIEEB on May, 15.

    Deputy Secretary of Tsinghua CYL Committee Kong Gangcheng, and Deputy Secretary of SOE CPC Committee Liu Jianguo addressed the meeting. 73 undergraduate CYL member representatives attended the meeting.

    Ten candidates were elected as the members of the 11th SOE CYL Committee: Wang Fengyang, Ning Xiong, Sun Haotian, Yang Liuhanzi, Xiao Dacheng, Zhang Yichen, Chen Xi, Zhou Hui, Gao Sangni, and Huang Ruikun. Secretary of the 10th SOE CYL Committee Chen Xi made a report on the last two and a half year’s work. Deputy Secretary Gao Sangni made a summery on the proposing work. Wu Huiting made a work presentation of the 82 CYL Branch.
