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The 32nd Environment Strategy Salon: Bright Future for Environmental Protection Industry

    China Water Net and Tsinghua University jointly organized the 32nd Environment Strategy Salon on May 5 to discuss the development of environmental protection industry in China a month later after “The Guideline on Promoting Environmental Protection Industry” was issued by Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) on April 5.

    Director of the Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations of MEP Zhao Yingmin introduced the background of the guideline, and said the environmental protection service industry, which is an important part of the environmental protection industry, is vital for the industrial restricting. He also said MEP would establish pilot programs for the environmental protection service under contract, a business model raised for the first time.

    Dr. Fu Tao, Director of the Research Center of Environmental protection Industry said that it would be an effective way if government pays the environmental protection service entity according to the treatment effect.

    Xu Guodong, Chairman of the CSD Environmental Protection listed a few advantages of the environmental protection service industry. Huang Xiaojun, Vice Director-General of Veolia Water said the guideline would direct the development of environmental protection industry in the period of the Twelve Five Year Plan”.

    Professor Wang Kaijun of SOE, Lin Wenbo, General Manager of Capital Environmental Protection, Xia Zhixiang, General Manager of Newearth Environmental Co., and other experts also offered their opinions on the environmental protection service industry.

