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DESE Mobile Station for Post-doctors Honored the National Excellent Mobile Station for Post-doctors

DESE mobile station for post-doctors and other 16 mobile stations for post-doctors were honored the National Exellent Mobile Station for Post-doctors in 2010 by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of PRC and National Post-doctoral Administration Commission in the National Post-doctoral Conference & Exchanging Meeting for the 25th Anniversary of the Post-doctoral System Establishment.

DESE has been recruiting post-doctors in environmental engineering since the year 1986. The mobile station for post-doctors has totally 318 post-doctors since its establishment in 1999, and now has 97 post-doctors, who has been an important part of the research team of DESE. In the Exellent Post-doctor Evaluation in the past 13 years, DESE has won prizes for 8 times.