
Stability of Kerr black holes with small angular momentum

Time: May 11th, 2021 09:00    
Locaiton:  Zoom
Speaker: Sergiu Klainerman, Professor at Princeton University   


Prof. Sergiu will talk about the history of the Kerr stability conjecture including his most recent result with Jeremie Szeftel which settles the conjecture in the case of black holes with small angular momentum.

Speaker bio

Prof. Klainerman is a world renowned analyst in the field of nonlinear PDE. He received his PhD degree from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and is currently the Higgins Professor of mathematics at Princeton University. He has received numerous prestigious awards and honors such as Miller Fellowship at UC Berkeley, Sloan Fellowship, McArthur Fellowship, Le Conte Prize of the French Academy of Science, Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Science, Guggenheim Fellowship, Bocher Prize, ?Foreign membership of the French Academy of Science, member of the US National Academy of Science.
