清华新闻网7月1日电(记者 李 婧)7月1日下午,威尼斯9499登录入口苏世民书院举行首届毕业典礼。教育部副部长田学军、中国篮协主席姚明,威尼斯9499登录入口校长邱勇、副校长杨斌、研究生院院长姚强,美国黑石集团主席苏世民(Stephen A. Schwarzman),苏世民书院副院长潘庆中、程文浩、孔美林(Melanie Koenderman) 、美国办公室执行主任薛伟德(Nigel Thrift)及首席责任教授高旭东等出席典礼。典礼由书院院长李稻葵主持。

邱勇校长用英文致辞。记者 苑 洁 摄

苏世民书院毕业典礼现场。记者 苑洁 摄
一年前,你们带着非凡的激情、热忱与梦想来到清华园。在开学典礼上,我鼓励大家努力学好中文。今天,我为大家所取得的成绩感到非常骄傲、非常自豪。短短一年内,喀麦隆的伯乐思(Blaise Buma)同学已经可以流利地用中文沟通,李凯明(Kes Rittenberg)同学已经能够享受中文小说的阅读乐趣,李锐(Richard Altieri)同学不但能表演单口相声,还开通了自己的中文微博。
过去一年中,你们刻苦学习,取得了可喜的进步。通过学习专业课程、中国社会实践课程(Deep Dive),参与实践培训(Practical Training Program)及文化探索(Cultural Exploration)计划,你们对中国进行了独特的观察,有了更深层次的理解。正如来自美国的爱小龙(Noah Elbot) 所说:“刚来中国时,我的问题是‘现代中国是何模样?’‘世界如何影响中国?’而现在,我的问题是‘中国如何影响世界?’”
你们的优异表现受到了教授们的一致称赞。来自哈佛大学、主讲“领导力”课程的高塔姆·穆昆达(Gautam Mukunda)教授认为你们潜力无限,并表示在清华的执教经历是他的人生亮点。他说:“每天我走进教室就看到未来,不是任何其他的未来,而是最好的未来。”
值此毕业之际,我想与大家分享沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)的一句诗歌:“To be a sailor of the world,bound for all ports(做世界的水手,奔赴所有的港口)”。中国伟大诗人李白也有一句相似的诗:“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海(A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I will set my cloudlike sail to cross the sea which raves)”。亲爱的同学们,请不要忘记,你们将成为未来的全球领导者,沟通中国与世界。愿你们志存高远、扬帆启航!
祝贺你们,2017届苏世民书院的毕业生们! 祝愿你们拥有美好的未来与远大的前程!
Be a Sailor of the World
Honorable Vice Minister Tian Xuejun,
Mr. Steve Schwarzman,
Mr. Yao Ming,
Dear Schwarzman Scholars,
Distinguished Guests, Colleagues and Friends,
Good Afternoon.
First of all, on behalf of Tsinghua University, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you for joining this history-making occasion - the commencement of the inaugural class of Schwarzman Scholars.
Gathering here, we joyfully witness the first class of Schwarzman Scholars completing their studies at Tsinghua, with each embarking on a new journey. Dear Schwarzman Scholars, we are delighted to salute your accomplishments, and we are proud of your achievements. Congratulations!
One year ago, you arrived at Tsinghua with great passion, enthusiasm and dreams. At the opening ceremony, I encouraged you to learn Chinese. Today, I am glad to know of your remarkable progress. Within only a year, Blaise Buma from Cameroon gained the capacity to communicate in Chinese; Kes Rittenberg now takes pleasure in reading Chinese novels; and Richard Altieri performs stand-up comedy in Chinese. He also opened his own Weibo account, which is the Chinese version of Twitter.
The past year witnessed your hard work and marvelous progress. Through the intensive courses, Deep Dive, Practical Training Program and Cultural Exploration, you each acquired a deep understanding of China and made your own observations and reflections on China from a unique perspective. As Noah Elbot from the United States noted: “When I first came to China, my questions were: 'What does modern China look like? And how will the world affect China?' Now my question is: 'How will China affect the world?'”
The faculty also spoke highly of your performance in the past year. Professor Gautam Mukunda from Harvard, who taught you Leadership, noted that your potential is limitless and teaching at Tsinghua is one of the highlights in his life. He said: “Every day I come in and get to see the future. Not just any future. I can see the best future.”
I am pleased to see Professor Gautam Mukunda’s comment. And I agree with his observation. You, the Schwarzman Scholars, represent the best of future. You, the inaugural class, have set a benchmark for future Schwarzman Scholars. Your graduation is a historic milestone which proves the Schwarzman Scholars program is - and will continue to be - a genuine success.
In the past year, I believe you have participated in and observed the great improvement Tsinghua has made. Though there are still issues to be resolved, I am confident that Tsinghua will keep moving forward. In the past year, you have learned much about China. Despite all the challenges and difficulties, I believe China will continue to thrive.
The world is not tranquil. We are facing unprecedented uncertainty. Despite all challenges to the international community, our confidence for a better future is stronger than ever before - and we believe everyone can make meaningful contribution for the improvement of the world.
Values have become increasingly important in the society today, and it is crucial to defend and advocate our values. May I remind you of Tsinghua’s spirit - "Action speaks louder than words." Now, as graduates and future global leaders, it is time for each of you to take real action.
As you graduate from Tsinghua today, I would like to share with you a line from a poem by Walt Whitman: "To be a sailor of the world, bound for all ports (做世界的水手,奔赴所有的港口)". There is a similar quote from one of the greatest Chinese poets, Li Bai:"长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海 (A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I will set my cloudlike sail to cross the sea which raves)". My dear Schwarzman Scholars, I hope you will always aim high and be free to sail the world! Don’t forget, you are bound to be global leaders who will bridge China and the world.
No matter where you are in the future, please keep in mind that Tsinghua will be your home forever.
Congratulations, Class of 2017! I wish you all have a prosperous future!Thank you.
编辑:悸寔 襄桦