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centER Tsinghua-RWTH Aachen Environmental Research Center Inaugurated

On Dec 7, the opening ceremony of the “centER Tsinghua-RWTH Aachen environmental research center” was held in DESE. Dean of DESE YU Gang and Prof. Hausmann from Environmental Engineering Research Center of RWTH Aachen hosted the ceremony. Doc. Koester, YAO Gang, Beier and ZHAO Fangfang, and Prof. ZUO Jiane, WANG Kaijun, and some Ph. D candidates gave keynote speeches on their own research project and extended heated discussion.

“centER Tsinghua-RWTH Aachen Environmental Research Center” was established to search the common interested research topic and areas, and expand the technology exchange and personnel training on the basis of current research & technology cooperation between DESE and ISA.