The fifth AUA Executives’ Meeting (AUAEM) was hosted by AUA Executive Presidency 2021-2022 Univesrsiti Malaya on 10 November 2021. Over 65 participants from all AUA member institutions joined online to share their experiences and perspectives. Yang Bin, Vice President and Provost from Tsinghua University, delivered the opening remarks at the opening ceremony.
Prof. Yang welcomed all new and returning participants and expressed his deepest appreciation to Vice-Chancellor Hamdi and the International Relations Office for their efforts in hosting and organizing this year’s AUAEM. Despite the impact of the pandemic, Prof. Yang is delighted to see how AUA members have grown closer and stronger and hopes that they can continue to have greater collaborations and help one another work toward their common goals.

Prof. Dato’Ir. Dr. Mohd Hamdi Abd Shukor, Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaya, delivered the welcoming address, expressing a warm welcome to all participants and noting that AUA initiatives allow academic institutions to come together and push the boundaries of knowledge and internationalization. Although COVID-19 has prompted everyone to interact differently, AUA members are closer than ever.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Chandrika Wijeyaratne and UAEU acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ghaleb Albreiki also shared their remarks, praising AUA for providing innovative bilateral and multilateral opportunities and for connecting students and scholars across Asia.
Following the opening ceremony were four sessions. The first session, chaired by Dr. Agustin Kusumayati of Universitas Indonesia, invited AUA members to discuss the progress of AUA programs. Six AUA member universities shared their experience and results on numerous programs they hosted in collaboration with AUA. Mr. Enoch Wong, Senior Manager of the Online Education Centre reported on the AUA Online Education Leadership Program hosted by Tsinghua University, and AHEO Project Director, Dr. ZHONG Zhou reported on the progress of AHEO. The AUA Secretariat reported on the first AUA Online Education Fair and the first AUA Lecture Series.

Prof. Dr. Yong Zulina Zubairi of Universiti Malaya chaired the second session. AUA Secretary Dr. ZHANG Chuanjie encouraged participants to express their thoughts on potential ideas, themes and events for AUA’s upcoming fifth year anniversary and how AUA can better support member universities. The third and final session, chaired by Nazarbayev’s Provost Prof. Illsanmi Adesida, discussed how the future of AUA programs would proceed in the new year.
The closing remarks were led by Prof. Dr. Yong Zulina Zubairi, Associate Vice-chancellor of Universiti Malaya. She expressed her gratitude to all participants and thanked them for sharing their experiences and thoughts throughout the event. She hoped that everyone can continue to work hand in hand towards their goals.
The conclusion of the final session reflects the successful outcome of AUAEM 2021. While the members look forward to meeting in person one day, there is not shortage or wavering in the connections that have been forged online. As the second AUAEM hosted online, this shows that ideas and thoughts expressed in an online space is not a hinderance to creating new opportunities and to coming together.
(From AUA, editor: Li Han)