
Online Chinese Writing Tutoring

Chinese Writing Tutoring has made its comeback! This semester, we’ve hired assistants with rich experience to offer help in papers, essays and literature by one-to-one consulting.

If you have any question concerning academic writing (in Chinese/English), including topic choosing, framework and composing, you can get lots of advice from professionals. If you need inspirations on press release, paper work, even on script, we can help you, too!

With their rich writing experience in essays, daily journals and international communications, Student volunteers majoring in literature, science and engineering are willing to give you a helping hand whenever you need advice or tutoring.

About the Team
Professional Teachers as Writing Coaches
Assistants On Duty Everyday
Vast Majoring Field
Outstanding Command of Language Skills
Extraordinary Experience in International Exchanges
with Piles of Articles/Papers Already Published

1.Chinese writing workshop for international Students
2.Revision and tutoring on Chinese/English academic writings
3.Refinement of Chinese applications, diaries and homework
4.Revision and tutoring on graduation projects
5.Advice on Chinese daily uses.


Week 1-16 Mon. to Sun. 19:20-21:45
Online & offline consultation during week1-2. You can choose either way to visit in the first two weeks. We will adjust the way of consultation according to your feedback after 2nd week.


Online: meeting ID or link(appointment needed)
On-site: at 6A 313, Classroom Building

Online Appointment

After completing the questionnaire below and submitting it, project members will contact you and invite you to join the writing assistant's online Q&A group and arrange one-to-one consultation.


If you have any other needs or questions, please contact:
1.Wechat group:Send “#写作助理预约” to the official account “乐学” (ID: lx62792453), scan the QR code replied, and contact the group holder;
2.E-mail: writinglearningthu@outlook.com

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