Mrs. Beckett, Minister for the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in UK, visited Tsinghua University and made a speech titled “Sustainable Development: The Challenge for the UK and China” in the reception Hall of the Main Building on June 16. Tsinghua Vice President He Jiankun delivered the welcoming speech.
Mrs. Beckett talked about the challenges faced by both the UK and China, such as climate change, environmental degradation and poverty, holding that “for long-term prosperity and stability, economies must be based on sustainability.” “Economic growth that doesn’t integrate environmental and social factors is not sustainable development,” she stressed.
She reviewed the actions the UK had taken to promote sustainable development and stated that sustainable development worldwide is essential to ensure long-term peace and security, and tackle the underlying causes of instability, such as poverty and environmental degradation.
Mrs. Beckett emphasized the global nature of the challenge and illustrated it from three aspects, namely climate change, sustainable consumption and production and the WTO negotiations on trade.
“Our priority internationally must be action to tackle climate change,” said Mrs. Beckett. She commended China for the progress it has achieved in improving the emissions intensity of its economy, saying, “China is setting a real leadership example by showing how a fast developing economy should plan to tackle climate change.” She hoped that the two countries could work together in other ways to set an example in meeting the challenge of climate change besides the ongoing project which studies the impacts of climate change for agriculture in China.
Mrs. Beckett said that the UK and China must work together and with the international partners to implement all the commitments made at Johannesburg, such as increasing access to water, achieving sustainable fisheries, increased use of renewable energy, etc.
At the end of the speech, she pointed out that sustainability cannot be achieved by part of government, by one government, nor by governments alone. Businesses, communities and individuals must play a full role in achieving the goals.
After the speech, Mrs. Beckett answered questions raised by the seated students. President He Jiankun gave a thank-you speech and exchanged gifts with Mrs. Beckett.
Before delivering the speech, Mrs. Beckett firstly paid a visit to the BP center, where she attended a symposium on energy resources. Vice President He Jiankun hosted the symposium. Prof. Wu Zongxi, academician Ni Weidou, and prof. Zhu Yingxin gave presentations respectively on China’s energy situation and development, renewable energy in China, and building efficiency in China. Ambassador Christopher Hum accompanied on the visit.
The Rt Hon Margaret Beckett MP is Secretary of State (Minister) for the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. She has held this position since 2001. Mrs Beckett has lead responsibility in the UK Government for all issues on the environment, including climate change, sustainable development, water, forestry, biodiversity; food, including agriculture, horticulture and fisheries; and rural affairs. She represents the UK at the European Union (EU) Agriculture and Fisheries Council and at the EU Environment Council. She leads the UK delegation in international negotiations on sustainable development and climate change and is actively involved in promoting UK policy on agricultural trade and the WTO Doha Development Agenda.

Reported by Li Han
Photoed by Guo Haijun