​International Workshop on Innovative Learning Experience Design Explores a Sustainable Future

On November 29th, the Future Laboratory, Tsinghua University and Lab for Lifelong Learning hosted the “International Workshop on Innovative Learning Experience Design from the Perspective of Education for Sustainable Development.”

This event featured keynote speeches and roundtable discussions with distinguished domestic and international guests.

The speakers shared their thoughts and ideas, participating in roundtable discussions that focused on the crucial concept of "Education for Sustainable Development". About 50 experts, scholars, educators, and practitioners gathered to exchange insights and experiences related to policy support, cutting-edge academic research, case studies, tool development, and practical expertise. Professor Xu Yingqing, director of the Future Laboratory, Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University Lab for Lifelong Learning (TULLL), warmly welcomed attendees in his opening speech, while Executive Director Zhang Yimeng provided an overview of the lab’s research and projects.

Editor: Li Han

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