​Tsinghua Professor Chen Guoqiang wins IMES Award in metabolic engineering

The 15th Metabolic Engineering Conference (ME15), held in Singapore from June 11 to 15, witnessed the IMES Award ceremony on June 14. Professor Chen Guoqiang from the School of Life Sciences at Tsinghua University, also the director of the Center for Synthetic & Systems Biology, was the sole recipient of this award recognizing scientists who have made significant contributions in metabolic engineering. He is the first scholar from the Chinese mainland to receive this honor.

Chen Guoqiang wins the IMES Award at the 15th Metabolic Engineering Conference.

Chen delivered a keynote presentation titled "Next Generation Industrial Biotechnology Based on Synthetic Biology of Halomonasspp" at the conference. He shared his latest research achievements in the field of metabolic engineering.

The IMES Award, initiated by the International Metabolic Engineering Society, is presented biennially to recognize exceptional research scientists who have made significant contributions in the field of metabolic engineering. The award ceremony is a highlight of the International Metabolic Engineering Conference, jointly organized by the society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The conference this year focused on topics such as "Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Metabolic Engineering”, "Metabolic Engineering for Next-Generation Medicine”, and "Synthetic Biology for Metabolic Engineering”.

Editor: Li Han

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