The Second Tsinghua Logic Summer School was held by the Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic at Tsinghua University from June 27 to July 3.
By providing courses on different topics in logic, the summer school aims to promote and facilitate education, research and exchanges on logic.
This year two courses were given, "Logic, Data, and Incomplete Information" and "Expressivity and Inference in Hybrid Logic." Both of them were given in English and attracted around 100 students from all over the world.
The course of Logic, Data, and Incomplete Information was given by Professor Phokion G. Kolaitis from University of California Santa Cruz and IBM Almaden Research Center, co-winner of the Alonzo Church Award. He has been engaged in the studies of database system, the logic in computer sciences and the theories of computational complexity for many years with fruitful results.
In his week-long course, Professor Kolaitis started with introducing relational data model, database query language and basics on computational complexity, building on which, he explained several notable complexity results on database query, mapping, exchange and integration, even touching on some open problems in this area.
The course of Expressivity and Inference in Hybrid Logic was given by Professor Patrick Blackburn from Roskilde University of Denmark, who has focused on logic and its application in linguistics, cognitive science and philosophy and coauthored the classical textbook Modal Logic.
Professor Blackburn gave a crystal-clear introduction of basics on the modal logic and the hybrid logic, elucidating the proof of the completeness of the hybrid logic. He also discussed several extensions of the hybrid logic and their decidability, interpolation, finite model property and so on. At last he ended with revealing the interrelations between the hybrid logic and the temporal logic.
Q&A sessions are especially emphasized during the summer school to encourage interaction between the teachers and the students.
The students can receive a certificate in recognition of their completion of any one of the two courses.
Editor: Li Han